The British Book Tours Mysteries is moving along. The first book Hazards in Hampshire is due out in October of this year with Coffeetown Press, Kenmore WA. The second book is in the editing phase. The third book is in the first-draft-completed-and out – to beta-readers stage. I’m off tomorrow to Yorkshire where the third book is set. I’ve been there before, but need to check some facts.  I have a short stop in Edinburgh. that might be the site of the fourth book. Yet to be decided.

I’m also finished the edit on Stop Gangs Now: Your Part, a d book on gang violence which is due out in September. Fascinating subject, especially in the light of the money-laundering scandal revealed in British Columbia this week.

So my amazing agent in the UK is working at placing my book on Nursing in the Cariboo, so all is rushing ahead at a great pace.

I really don’t have to do much but observe, take notes and pay attention to accents and local sayings on this trip. It’s been a rough winter so I’m looking forward to Yorkshire.

From Google no attribution

