Always Pack a Candle: A Nurse in the Cariboo-Chilcotin (Heritage House Publishing) won the 2022 Lieutenant Governor’s Community History Award and the $500 accompanying prize. Heritage House submitted my book which joined many excellent books on BC history for the competition. The quality of the competition makes this win very sweet. Isn’t that amazing? The award ceremony was on Zoom so we weren’t able to go to Victoria for a bun feast and meeting with the Lieutenant-Governor but it was still exciting. There are two Lieutenant-Governor Awards and the book was also a finalist for the other one, the Lieutenant-Governor’s Medal for Historical Writing. That was won by Possessing Meares Island: A Historian’s Journey into the Past of Clayoquot Sound by Barry Gough and published by Harbour Publishing. I was thrilled to be in such company and immensely gratified that my book had such recognition.