I had a holiday—almost three weeks with my ten-year-old granddaughter which was great fun.

Now I am back to work looking at the edits for Expect Everything: A Nurse in the Cariboo-Chilcotin which is due to be released spring 2024. This is a sequel to Always Pack a Candle. Edits are interesting, but frustrating as well. It’s when I am following the editor’s markings that I reliazed I should have used the Oxford comma for this company, that comma at the end of a series of words, and I needed far more commas I inserted. As well, I have to consider every query the editor makes—sometimes agreeing with her and sometimes not. It takes time.

I have a request for a series of ten pieces that the promotion company wants to be completed by the fall to promote Shadows in Sussex: The British Book Tour Mysteries Book 5 which is due out Sept 12th. I haven’t started them.

Then I need to work on Book 6 Storms in the Cotswolds. Lots to do.

If I ignore all the work for a while I can appreciate a lovely summer. I know our warm ocean is the result of climate change and not good for the planet, but it is lovely to swim in. I’m not fond of cold water. There are nine beaches within a twenty-minute drive of my house so I’m spoiled for choice. The garden is growing. The blueberries and raspberries were generous. The yellow plums ripen all at once, so I have to get out to the tree and strip it before the bear decides the do so.

The yellow house behind the bear-warning sign is mine. I haven’t seen him yet his summer, but I expect he’s around. I don’t live in the wilderness; I live in a west-coast town. We share with the bear.

Happy holidays, everyone. I hope some of you can make it to the Arts and Words Festival.

https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/599208036367 for my Mystery Writing Workshop

https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/602553582987 for my reading sponsored by TWUC

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