Somehow, I raced through February and I’m late with the blog. I’d hate to miss it completely so, while there are two days left in February I’ll drop in to let you know what’s been going on. The picture is of the democrat which we had at the ranch for a few years.

Always on Call: Adventures in Nursing, Ranching and Rural Life seems to be getting up some steam for the release April 2nd. I have already been contacted by reporters and have a couple of book signings and a launch booked. It should be fun and great to get out and meet readers.  Here’s a schedule of what’s on so far:

April 2nd release date

April 11- 14th Left Cost Crime, Hyatt REgency, Seattle

April 20 Misty Rivers Books in Terrace, BC not sure of the time yet but probably the afternoon.

April 27th  2 pm Launch at Gibsons Public library

May 17th not sure of time The Open Book Williams Lake, BC

It may not look busy but those sites are far apart and I have to get there. It will be wonderful to connect with the readers who have contacted me. I hope you come to one of these events and have a chat.

Storms in the Cotswolds is at the publishers getting its final copy edit. It’s due out in September. It has amazed me how many authors set their mysteries in the Cotswolds. Two of the authors on my panel at the Seattle Left Cost Crime conference in April have books set in the Cotswolds. One, Sharon Lynn has a whole series set there. It is a beautiful part of England and a popular spot for tourists. According to
Escape to the Country” and Alistair Appleton over 36 million people visit every year. That’s almost the population of Canada. Can you see the whole population of Canada pulling up stakes and migrating over to the Cotswolds every year? Amazing. The left Coast Crime Conference in Seattle takes place April 11th to 14th. While not as big as Bouchercon it does attract interesting authors and readers. I am usually on a panel which is a great deal of fun and doesn’t require any preparation on my part but this year I am a moderator of a panel which does require preparation. Luckily, the authors I need to read all write mysteries set in England so I’m having a great time with their works.

They are:

Mary Wingate  The London Ladies’ Murder Club

Sharon Lynn  A Cotswold Crimes Mystery series

Holly West  Mistress of Fortune historical Mysteries series

Nicolas George  Walk Through England series

Murder in Vancouver 1886 my historical mystery  is still on track for release May 14th. Let me know what you think of that one. I love it myself, but I’m interested in what does or does not resonate with readers.

I hope spring is coming wherever you are. We had it for a week but the daffodils and violets are shivering today in two below freezing weather.