A Facebook surprise. Danger in Edinburgh which came out with Camel Press last year but has just come out with Harlequin Worldwide Mysteries this month. Harlequin advertised with a post featuring Danger in Edinburgh and a romance by Nora Roberts. I was stunned. She’s so well-known. I realized later that they paired my book up with another one the next time I logged in, but that first pairing was quite an exciting jolt. I wish I’d thought to take a screen shot. I like the covers Harlequin is doing on the series.

I have been busy finishing Book 6 this month and doing a virtual tour of Shadows in Sussex, Book 5.  I am also taking Webinar educational sessions on copyright and AI and trying to attend the launches of the books of other authors. As well, I did a Zoom meeting with a book club. I really enjoyed that. They had all read Always Pack a Candle so had great questions and observations.

I gave my new dog Carly a bath. This required me running the shower for five minutes to get the temperature warm enough, setting up two towels nearby, then persuading her to step into the shower. She objected because she didn’t know what it was but stood still while I soaped and rinsed her. Then she climbed into my lap for a towel dry and didn’t want to leave me. I expect it was a tad more traumatic than I had anticipated. The whole process had both of us soaked. The bathroom, luckily tiled throughout, was wet and required a mop up.  I might try persuading her with treats next time. We will both still get soaked.

I tried to convince my publisher that no one worked in December, but she disabused me of that concept, so I will be writing on until just before Christmas.

Enjoy the holidays, everyone.

May 2024 be a great year for you.