I planned to put a post up more often this fall, but I didn’t. I am working hard on the Hazards in Hampshire book which should be out next winter–I think. I don’t have a date yet, but the publishing company is working very fast so I expect the book will be out soon. I am pleased and relieved to find the editor a gem to work with, so I am expecting Clair Barclay, the British Mystery Book tour guide to be speaking to you from the pages of the book quite soon. The manuscript is in with Coffeetown Press and we have wrestled the last semicolon out of it. Next week I am supposed to do the line edit. The cover is being put together and all should be in production soon. And then it is on to the promotion which is time consuming and a world of its own. I’m making lists.

Every book teaches the author something. Among the many things this book taught me was the difference between a King Charles Spaniel and a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Claire has a Cavalier King Charles which is a beautiful dog. I look at my own bundle of love, a miniature Schnauzer, and think perhaps she lacks a little in elegance. Feisty little one, though. So I expect she suits me better. Elegance might be hard to live up to.

The dark adult dog is a King Charles and the one with the most white is a Cavalier King Charles.

The puppy is much like Claire’s dog.

